Welcome to the Language Disorder Academy
Watch. Read. Practice. Learn.
Language Disorder Academy is a training hub dedicated to delivering quality educational services and resources tailored for educators and therapists, with a specific focus on creating better outcomes for students with Language Disorder.
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Our courses
Frequently asked questions
I am a teacher. Can these modules contribute to my Continuing Professional Development (CPD)?
Yes, these on-demand learning modules are guided by the Australian Professional Standards for Teaching. Tailored specifically for adult learners, the modules recognise and respect participants' prior knowledge and motivation for learning. The modules address Standard descriptors 1.5; 1.6; 2.5; 4.1 and 6.4 of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.
For more information click here.
For more information click here.
I am a speechie. Can these modules contribute to my Continuing Professional Development (CPD)?
Yes, following successful completion of each module, your learning reflections and certificate can be downloaded to contribute to your CPD log as required for maintaining registration as a Provisional or Full Certified Practicing speech pathologist.
For more information click here.
For more information click here.
I am a teacher from a Queensland school. Am I entitled to free course access?
Yes, Queensland school teachers are entitled to free access. Your school should have received a coupon code granting teaching staff free access to our modules. If your school has not received it please contact us at sss@languagedisorder.org.au using your school email address, and we will generate a coupon for you.
I am a teacher in a state other than Queensland. Am I entitled to free course access?
At this stage only Queensland school staff are entitled to free access, due to the funding support provided by the Queensland Government.